Mind Massaging Machine v1.3 released

Summer was very busy and the pandemic did not really help. Since 1.2.2 there are mostly bugfixes and technical improvements under the hood. But I also added a new Mind Massage called “Sauna”, which is nearly half an hour long. As thew name suggests it should give you a wonderful time and leave you without cares and worries. As with all content, feedback is very welcome. Speaking of your feedback, I will soon re-create the hypnosis sessions, meaning I will overhaul the text scripts and have them re-recorded.

You should also check out the new spiral preview in SessionMaker 1.3, it’s a step towards a customizable spiral editor. I hope it helps all the creators to choose which visual effect to use.

Demo versions will be updated over the next 24 hours.

Check out the project page for the store links.